School Uniform Policy
Velmead School Uniform Policy
To see the latest School Uniform Policy please click here.
As stated on the right of this page, most items containing the School Logo can be purchased from the Trutex School Link home shopping catalogue. Velmead Junior School Code: LEA00336PB
Trutex also have a catalogue to browse with for our School uniform, click here for the catalogue.
Order Forms
All forms can be downloaded from the Letters page under School Forms please click here.
Second Hand Uniform
All second hand uniform items are £1 each.
Please send your order in to school with your child or email your order to:
Sadly we do not stock any grey items or summer dresses. (lack of storage space).
PE Uniform Order Form
Please send your order in to school office or email your order to
Dress Code
Children are expected to attend school each day wearing Velmead School uniform. They are not permitted to wear leisure or fashion clothes to school, including for PE.
All children must wear plain, black school shoes every day. If children wear boots to school in bad weather, they must bring their school shoes with them to change into.
All hair of shoulder length or longer must be tied back neatly for school. Hair accessories should be plain black or navy. No big bows or flowers please.
Art Apron
A large old shirt or T shirt should be kept in school for messy art activities.
As a general rule, no jewellery should be worn for school. If children are wearing items of jewellery when they arrive in school, they will be asked to remove them.
Watches: these may be worn, but remain the child’s responsibility. Please do not allow your child to wear a watch that may be a distraction from their learning.
Medic Alert: Children with serious medical conditions may wear Medic-Alert discs/bands with permission from the Headteacher.
Earrings: Children may wear plain studs, but must remove and replace them themselves and store them safely during PE activities. An exception can be made for the 6 weeks following piercing, providing parents take full responsibility and the earrings are taped. Children will not be permitted to wear more than one pair of earrings at a time, worn one in each ear. (We suggest ears are pierced at the beginning of the summer holiday.)
Make-Up / Nail Varnish: these are not appropriate school wear for school activities; no type should be worn to school at any time. If make up or nail polish is worn, the child will be asked to remove it immediately.
Fashion accessories: such as bandanas, friendship bracelets, charity bands, oversized bows, hairbands with flowers etc are not part of the school uniform; they are not permitted in school.
Mufti Days
We ask that children dress sensibly for Mufti days, wearing school appropriate clothing and footwear. No jewellery, make-up or dyed hair is permitted.
Limiting the Cost of School Uniform
Our school has a duty to make sure that the uniform we require is affordable, in line with statutory guidance (Education Guidance about Costs of School Uniforms Act 2021), from the Department for Education on the cost of school uniform.
We understand that items with distinctive characteristics (such as branded items, or items that have to have a school badge/logo or a unique fabric/colour/design) cannot be purchased from a wide range of retailers and that requiring many such items limits parents’ ability to ‘shop around’ for a low price.
Many parents choose to start their child’s journey with us with one or two uniform items featuring the school badge so that the children feel the sense of belonging and identity.