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Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice: The Children’s School

It makes me so very proud when I hear from visitors that this is clearly a school where the children come first. One of the many ways that this aspect of our ethos is reinforced is through the ways that we hear, and more importantly act upon, Pupil Voice feedback.

Our children are stakeholders whose ‘voice’ really does help to improve the school still further. There are a number of things that would not be as they are without the wisdom, creativity and problem-solving of our children being both heard and used to shape decisions about the school curriculum.

In addition to the informal, day-to-day conversations with children about their learning and wider school life, there are a number of more formal ways that we use to hear Pupil Voice:

  • Pupil Voice Survey

The results of the most recent Pupil Voice Survey can be found on the right of this page.

We run this survey every two years. This means that we formally capture children’s views twice during their time with us; this also allows us to compare how children’s views about the school have changed over time.

  • School Council 
    For more information about the School Council please click here.
  • Eco Rangers -
    For more information about our Eco Rangers and the work they do, please click here. 

Pupil Voice Survey

In July 2022, all children were given the opportunity to feedback on a wide range of the aspects of school life that directly affect them.  The outcomes of this survey are available in the document below. 

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