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Enriching our Broad and Balanced School Curriculum

We try to give our pupils lots of different opportunities to experience a variety of activities to enhance their lives and learning opportunities.  Here are some examples of activities that have taken place in previous years:
Reading Week, Arts Week, Book Week, Citizenship Week, Remembrance Week, STEM Week, Walk to School Week, Enterprise and Problem Solving Week, Careers Week, Visitors, Mile Run, Music Concerts, Music Workshops, School Trips, Residential Trip, Summer Fair, Christmas Fair, French Trip, Dress Up Days, Visiting other Schools, Charity Collections, Harvest Collection, Recycling, Ecological Awareness, Music Festivals and Sports Tournaments.

To find out what activities are planned this term click here for the school calendar.  For sporting activities news and photographs click here.

There are many school clubs for the children to attend.  Some are run by staff and others by outside organisarions. Many of these clubs are free.  For more information about school clubs click here.

See below for our latest activities.  If you would like to see more pictures go to our Photograph Gallery by clicking here.


STEM Week October 2024

Year 3 Indian Music Workshop 15th October 2024

Year 3 Healthy Snacks July 2024

Year 4 Ufton Court June 2024

Grounds Day and Football Visitor 22nd March 2024

Art Competition January 2024

Grounds Day October 2024

Grounds Day 14th June 2024

Y5 Programming Crumble Buggies January 2024

Y6 WWII Singer December 2023

Year 5 Recorder Concert 30th October 2023

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Year 4 Gilbert White Trip October 2023

Year 6 Little Canada Residential Trip September 2024

Summer Concert 3rd July 2024

Year 5 Bread Making July 2024

Year 5 Cycle Training May 2024

Year 4 Jonathan's Jungle Visit April 2024

Y5 Winchester Science Centre 23rd January 2024

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