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Community Events

We take part in local community events throughout the year.

During Harvert Festival in the Autumn Term we have a collection which we donate to a local chairy, this has most recently been Step-by-Step, a charity that supports local homeless people. 

We also hold Summer and Christmas Fairs, where the whole school community comes together, regular Mile Runs which raise money for Children in Need, Comic Relief and many other charities and we sell Poppies in November for Remembrance. 

Some of the recent events that have taken place in school, are shown on this page. 

Harvest Assembly with Step-by-Step 12th October 2023

Thank you to all our families for your doantions, we have presented Step-by-Step with over £800 today.

Fleet Lions Club Butterfly Art Competition June 2023

Fleet Lions Club Butterfly Art Competition. Twelve children from across the school chose to take part in the competition. The winning entries will be displayed in a frame in the old Argos schop in Fleet from 1st July 2023. 

Certificates of Money Raised for Charity 2022 - 2023

Summer Fair July 2024

Mile Run 2nd May 2024

Pulman Shield Event 14th March 2024

Pulman Shiled 2024

For more infirmation see the school newsletter dated 27th March 2024. Click here for the newsletters page.

Red Nose Mile Run March 2024

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