Extra Curricular Clubs
Spring Term 2025
Wind Ensemble (By Invitation)
12.30 - 1pm with Miss Gill Starting on 13th January
Orchestra (By invitation)
3.20 - 4.20pm with Mrs White starting Monday 13th January
Upper School Cross Country
12.10 - 12.45pm With Mrs Dunwoody starts Tuesday 21st January
German Club (Year 5 and 6 Only)
3.20 - 4.20pm with Madame Worth starts Tuesday 14th January
Velmead Voices (Auditioned Year 5 and 6 only)
3.20 - 4.20pm with Mrs White starts Tuesday 14th January
Choir (All Years)
3.20 - 4.00pm with Mrs White starts on Wednesday 15th January
Netball Club (Year 5 and 6)
3.20 - 4.20pm with Miss Harrington starts on Wednesday 29th January
Cookery Club (Limited Places)
3.30 - 4.20pm with Mrs Fabre, Mrs Miller and Mrs Hollidge starts
Wednesday 8th January
Year 4 Cross Country
12.10 - 12.45pm with Mrs Dunwoody start Thursday 23rd January
Sewing Club - Make Do and Mend (Outside Provider)
3.20 - 5.00pm with Mrs Teresa Pytches starts Thursday 9th January
(Information has been sent home)
FitAssist Athletics (Outside Provider) for all years
3.20 - 4.20pm with Mr Alan Lott starts 16th January to 3rd April
Upper School Girls Football Club
12.30 - 1.10pm with Mr Mortimer, Mr Fletcher and Mrs Viney starts
Friday 31st January
Upper School Boys Football Club
3.20 - 4.30pm with Mr Mortimer and Mr Fletcher starts Friday 28th February