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Information for Parents of Year 2 Children, joining Velmead in September 2025

Welcome to Velmead

This page will be updated with information, dates and documents that you will need before joining our school in September 2025.

Please go to the A - Z page of the website for other information about our school.

School Uniform

All information about school unform will be given out at the New Parent event in the Summer Term. Dates will be advertised on the right of this page, as soon as they are set. 

To order School Uniform containing the school logo, please go to the Trutex Webpage. 

Second Hand School Uniform (containing the school logo only)
Order Forms are available on the Newsletter Page of the website. Please complete and send in to school with your child.   Uniform Sales will be advertised during the year so look in the newsletter or on the website. 
All Second Hand Uniform is £1 for each item.

PE Uniform items can be purchased from the school, see letter above.

The School Uniform Policy can be found on the Policies page of the website.

Important Dates

Open Mornings - Year 3 2025 (Current Year 2)
Thursday 26th September 9am - 10.30am
Thursday 7th November 9am - 10.30am
Tuesday 19th November 9am - 10.30am

At all three Open Mornings, on arrival, you will be given a tour of the school followed by a presentation from the Headteacher, Mr Andy Howard in the school hall.

Important Dates
 Junior School Applications open on 1st November 2024
Deadline for Applications for Junior School is 15th January 2025 
Notification Date for on-time Applications is 16th April 2025

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